I was dancing along a farm track through vineyards in a heavy mist knowing this year's Camino was a great idea. We missed the turn-here blaze. So, we ended up on the scenic route. At an intersection, we were able to figure out where we were on our map and headed back to the trail. It was still a wonderful walk. Unfortunately our little road became a driveway to a farmhouse with an "entree interdite" sign. Hmmm
As we turned back, a hedgerow on the right was head tall. Through it we saw what we would have assumed to be farm workers except for their yellow ponchos. Camino Angels! Canadian hikers. The trail had found us. In only a few yards we discovered a way through the hedgerow and we're back on track, having walked an extra mile and missed a muddy downhill slope.
The only other time we went the wrong was was along the canal path our first day. The path was so flat and shaded that we hated to leave it. The trail blazes had us turning to walk a bridge across the canal and through a village. We vetoed the turn. Our map shows that up ahead the trail would cross back over the canal. We planned to join it there. Too bad. When we got to that spot, the trail was on a bridge 30 or so feet overhead and we were between the canal and a river. Luckily the walk was nice, even when back tracking.
Yesterday afternoon we picnicked at a little chapel and cemetery in the middle of nowhere. The closest road was not visible. It touched my heart and I left intention-stones for my friends. I hope it worked and you all felt closer to having your best intentions come to be.
The Magic Carpet will carry us ahead this morning to the next town, which is farther away than we wanted to walk. Then we will walk about 12 miles to the Miramont where we will stay. It was raining. One day of rain was fun. This second one would be unwelcome. The clay mud in the fields is too slippery to be fun. But it stopped and the trail was sunny, cool, flat. Great day.
Well almost great. There are 9 rooms on our floor and only one toilet. We do however have a shower in our room.