Visiting Seville, Hiking (mostly) from Caceres to Zamora, Side trip to Plasencia
Our intention in 2012 was to return to France and walk the early parts of the Le Puy Route. The day before our departure, Peg realized that her passport would expire in fewer than the required 90 days after arriving in France. We cancelled the trip less than 24 hours before departure.
New passport in hand by September, we were ready to try again. But the Le Puy Route no longer beckoned. We felt as if we'd already done it, given all the preparations for the cancelled May trip. We decided instead to try a section of the Via de la Plata. Our blog posts and photos follow. |
A New Countdown for Camino 2012
Two Maps of our Route
Madrid, Seville
Saturday in Seville
First Impressions of Caceres
Two Churches in Caceres
Plaza Mayor in Caceres
We Hit the Trail Today
To Embalse -- Killer Afternoon
To Canaveral-Left Early, Stopped Early
Nice Trail, A Bus, Out of the Heat
Waiting out the Heat Wave
Plasencia's cathedral
Back on the Trail at Aldeanueva
Banos to Calzar de Bejar
Calzar de Bejar to Fuenterroble
Dinner, Sunrise, Flies, Heat, Taxi
After San Pedro - Longest Walk Ever
Trouble & New Friends in Valdanuciel
Friends, Storms, the Unexpected
El Cubo to Valanueva - Prettiest Walk
Last Day on the Trail - Blustery
Bidding Farewell to New Friends
Two Maps of our Route
Madrid, Seville
Saturday in Seville
First Impressions of Caceres
Two Churches in Caceres
Plaza Mayor in Caceres
We Hit the Trail Today
To Embalse -- Killer Afternoon
To Canaveral-Left Early, Stopped Early
Nice Trail, A Bus, Out of the Heat
Waiting out the Heat Wave
Plasencia's cathedral
Back on the Trail at Aldeanueva
Banos to Calzar de Bejar
Calzar de Bejar to Fuenterroble
Dinner, Sunrise, Flies, Heat, Taxi
After San Pedro - Longest Walk Ever
Trouble & New Friends in Valdanuciel
Friends, Storms, the Unexpected
El Cubo to Valanueva - Prettiest Walk
Last Day on the Trail - Blustery
Bidding Farewell to New Friends