The first couple miles today, were flat and easy. They took us into Rabe, a lovely village with what appeared to be many weekend homes as well as all-the-time resident homes.
Many barns and municipal buildings had murals with scripture references and large modern photo spreads.
There was a charming chapel where a local woman stamped our pilgrim passport with a “sello”, gave us a little medal and a blessing to keep us safe on our walk We appreciated it. At each place we stay and many other places, like chapels and gathering places, we get a sello in our pilgrim passport. It is a perfect souvenir of the journey.
Beyond Rabe, the trail start a gradual uphill for several miles. We are walking the Meseta, the relatively flat plains of north central Spain, the bread basket from the time of the Roman Empire until now. Today’s climb was over the Alto del Meseta. The final mile and a half was a too-steep-for-comfort downhill into Hornillos. Our toes were very happy to arrive at our inn, Sol a Sol.
Our room here has everything we need, in a smaller space than last night’s room, which was downsized from our Burgos suite. Hmmm, wonder what the Camino will bring us tomorrow Hahaha.
After resting , showering, and doing our wash, we hang our clothes on the lines in the garden, wondered the town, scoped out a restaurant for tonight’s pilgrim dinner, bought some snacks at the market, sat in the garden sketching and resting. Delightful way to spend the afternoon!