Camino Dreaming
Second Wind
Reader Comments
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Several Routes
Map of Our Travels
Why Walk It?
Step 1. Planning Your Camino -- What kind, Where, When, How far, Alone, Getting there . . .
Step 2. Getting Ready -- Training, Packing, Gear, Clothes, Electronics, Passports, TSA . . .
Step 3. Being There -- Money, Lodgings, Food, Language . . .
Step 4. Adapting -- Guidebooks, Websites, Trail conditions, Schedule, Water, Weather, Pain, Hazards, Phones . . .
Step 5. Being a Pilgrim and a Tourist -- Types of pilgrimmage, Roman roads, Medieval life, Wonders . . .
Step 6. Living the Lessons of the Camino -- Once or again, Connecting at home, Being hospitaleros . . .
Who Are We?
About Us
The Story Behind the Story
Our Books
Our Websites and Blogs
All Our Caminos
The Portuguese and Finisterre Routes, 2014
Being Hospitaleros, 2013
The Camino Francés in Spain, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2019
La Via de la Plata, in Spain, 2012
The Le Puy Route, in France, 2008/2015/2017